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Resigned to the fact that I'll have to get up early tomorrow and go start Christmas shopping :-(
Keyboard batteries dead. Scrounged 2 fresh and an 2 ancient AA from a remote until the others recharge. Back in business.
Getting that sinking feeling that I'm going to have to subclass NSTableView to disable type to select for a particular character
stooopid type to select
However drilling down into the Cocoa plugin and class-dumping reveals that There will prolly be a LOT of heavy lifting to implement this -_-
I have found where people asked for help, but no answers. Not even a "Yer screwed buddy"
Can't find squat as to why its damn near impossible to put an NSWindow subclass in an Interface Builder plugin
Ah yes... Now I remember why I hate writing Interface Builder plug-ins
Just reallized that you can drag files out of stacks into say the Trash can. Dur, wish I knew that long ago.
May have found a bit of an anchor to keep me from going further adrift this evening.
I don't know enough about what I'm doing to be trying to install this -_-
Idea for a little side project is taking shape.
Fucking Microsoft. I think that pretty much sums it up.
Cat freaked out when the christmas tree was brought in. He went downstairs and still runs when he sees it :)
Frustrated by Twitters utter failure at keeping me logged in
For some reason I fond myself not wanting to listen to music while I work. Can I really be tiring of it?
Damn it's already 2 p.m. I gotta start waking up earlier
This email could be a little less confusing
I give up for the night. Bed time
Updating and attempting to enhance the my subversion server in the basement. Although the enhancements aren't going so well -_-


Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Justin Williams Jonathan Wight Robert S Andersen Zac White John Gruber teh_real_chock djlemur Greg Titus Twitterrific Fernando Lins Brent Simmons rentzsch Daniel Jalkut R. Tyler Ballance Robert Marini Gus Mueller Steven Frank hotdogsladies Matt Legend Gemmell Chris Hanson Jason Snell Paul Kafasis C4 Ian Baird Jason Harris Stephen Colbert Deric Horn Adam C. Engst Colin Wheeler Kevin Avila Andy Kim Andy Ihnatko Cabel M. Sasser Wolfgang Bartelme