Peter Berg’s Favorites

Laura Fitton
Pistachio @cdn PERFECT! and that's precisely where enterprise microsharing comes in, actually.
Laura Fitton
Pistachio Companies DON'T need Twitter Strategies, they need to understand its landscape, culture and opportunities. They need Twitter Literacy.
Christian DE NEEF
cdn @Pistachio It reminds me of a famous quote from former HP CEO Lew Platt - "If HP only knew what HP knows, we would be much more profitable!"
hotdogsladies There's much more Purell in my life than coke-fuelled sex parties. Because teen boys' fantasies are stupid, but everybody likes clean hands.
Thor Muller
tempo Thinking about Obama's comment that the most important thing is to escape from the daily madness to get in deep thinking time. +1 to that.
harper A senior guy from wrigley gum just told me they have a patent on Viagra laced chewing gum
Stowe Boyd
stoweboyd Ito: All the capitalists are nuts about mobile. Mobile's ecology is basically keeping all the money, unlike the web, which distributes it
Stowe Boyd
stoweboyd Ito: "Money is lonely. It always goes where other money is." #brainstorm
Stowe Boyd
stoweboyd Lessig: The web has created real value from collective social activity (like links, search selection, etc.). #brainstorm
Dan Cederholm
simplebits "I'm streaking live now, come join me!"
Evan Williams
ev BW on Lululemon: "...stores in coastal areas often run short of small sizes and those in the Midwest sell out of larger sizes." Weird.
hotdogsladies When you tell drunk Marina girls you're a "Serial Entrepreneur," I'll bet they ask if you know Cap'n Crunch. And I'll bet you say "Totally."
Scott Fleckenstein
nullstyle Little known fact about @tempo: He bribes @amylola to post interesting factoids to make him sound cool :p
Pete Cashmore
willotoons ftr, I'm upset Wamu put an 'h' in their 'whoo hoo'. it's *woohoo*! duh.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Freedom means choosing whether Google or Microsoft owns your email.
maggie b.
maggiee Shit there is a bee on my ass hope i dont get stung
hotdogsladies "Merlin Mann: Making your feed NSFW since nineteen sixty-penis."
Jeremy Keith
adactio In Ted Stevens International Airport, Anchorage, Alaska. It is a series of tubes.
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue There isn't a more perfect city in the world than SF when it is 90 degrees.


Jack Dorsey Jeremy Evan Williams Dom Sagolla sara Josh Kopelman veen Maggie Mason Chris Sacca Mel Burns Xeni Jardin Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Harper Alfonso Surroca J. Christopher Doss Scott Beale Rob Kniaz Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters Christine Herron Sanford B lane Angelique Dan Cederholm Joanne Wan Stewart Butterfield
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