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@mronge WFM with the most recent Carbon Emacs and the Emacs that comes with OS X. Try running zsh -f to see if it's config related?
Going insane deciding which lens(es) to buy. Need to finish Jython work & reconsider in the morning.
Trying to fork a Java task in Ant. Seriously, this is the worst code I've had to deal with in years.
@nriley Oh well, can't get the fan replacement in small quantities. Guess I'll be running my miniStack V3 with the cover off forever.
It was the fan in my external drive case, not the drive making death noises. Removed cover; hoping to buy replacement fan in quantity &l ...
(5,641,930 files, to be exact; the source disk has 1,414,094.)
SuperDuper takes 4 hours to update 465 GB of Time Machine data; DiskWarrior can't rebuild it in 4 GB RAM. Yes, I believe it is time for ZFS.
Useful coincidence: noise-cancelling earphones arrive on the same day that my Time Machine drive starts making awful noises.
Audio explosion on my iMac. This always happens when I try to use Bluetooth
Smelling turkey cooking in a neighboring apartment. Still close enough to Thanksgiving that it's nausea-inducing.
Emacs is *crashing* when I try to M-x ediff-regions-linewise in jde-mode. Using java-mode temporarily helps.
@fwierzbicki No, not ast-related; that merge went just fine. I sometimes forget people pay attention to these things :-)
@twleung I do get the silly all-purpose "backup failed" error every few days but choosing "Back Up Now" clears it. Something else?
Starting over. Again.
Or I guess a more granular hg shelve would work too.
Drowning in MQ patches. Need a simpler way of moving changes between them (not just at diff hunk granularity). Reverse of hg annotate?
@danielpunkass Ugh. Well, think I'll be paying $BIGNUM on Amtrak next month then.
CT->NJ->NY today. Much fun. Up at 5:30 to catch a flight tomorrow morning - not so much fun.
Heading to Mystic for Thanksgiving. Happy there's so little traffic.


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