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@CDavis Excellent! Glad to hear it!
@CDavis I'm sorry to hear Arch didn't work on the EEE. There was a while when I thought about getting one and putting Arch on it.
I really (really really) should do some work. Bah.
Just bought my new computer! Core 2 Quad 2.83GHz, 8GB RAM, 1TB hard drive, nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX graphics. This thing will be awesome.
What to do with loneliness
Is that a shell that actually handles pipes properly?? I think it just might be!
Today is a Tom Waits day. Why? I have no idea, I generally don't like him that much.
Hey Firefox, why are you taking up 100% of my CPU? I only have 4 tabs open. I wish you weren't so slow and leaky.
That was a lot of gamer's rage. Yikes.
People who don't hold doors open for others really annoy me. It's such a simple, easy thing to do for someone.
I think I've got my computer all figured out. Still trying ti figure out a case. Should I order it now so it'll be there when I get home?
It's really hard when you're not here.
Looking at these two functions makes me say "Uh... what the fuck?". They make absolutely no sense. Hooray for C hacks!
The snow is really beautiful.
Damn scarf. I keep playing with it; I can't put it down. Why??
@jwisser Piano, Python, Ruby, and then PERL. I don't like PERL personally. Piano and Python I have high regard for though.
@jwisser Yes, that's how easy Python is.
@jwisser Ooo... That's a really good one. And speaking of The Matrix, I think I need to watch that movie again.
I need suggestions for a kinetic typography text. Any ideas?
@jwisser This is true. I haven't used Office for Mac. The few times I have it has sucked. It's pretty solid, I think, without the Mac.


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