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is praying for CCW's recovery.
is tgif big time!
is running from Santa...yes he is chasing us!
wishes he was in Istanbul again!
finally found the best Pizza in San Miguel!
is eating stuffed cornish game hen.
loves Mexico's long weekends!!!
can't decide if he should buy a 20 or 30 Kg bell.
is having a slumber party at the ranch this weekend!
is off to a good start!
is swerving to avoid elephants, tigers bears, babboons and a bike race.
is eating brains for lunch.
loves it when a practical solution clears cobwebs from a project.
is learning to be Dr. Parent. If it isn't one thing it is another.
has to lose strength to gain more back, but it looks funny in the mean time!!
is certain Mexico is not the USA and vice-vera.
is happy operation spedo is back on track!
false starts on Operation Spedo Resurrection.
is enjoying an extra hour of sleep thanks to Mexico giving us an early day-light-savings!


Trei Brundrett dishola Scott Diedrick arsMacworld embyorg Laura Kelso