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Wow. The baby from cover of Nirvana's Nevermind album is 17 years old now. We are not young.
enjoying a quite office, working on final edits of a nice big report
@knomat who was it you said I should pick up in cfl this week?
anyone else using Yammer at work? What do you think?
just installed ubiquity firefox plugin, pretty sweet
wow. Proud to be american.
@knomat that's what she said
@dwitzel yeah. Obama's partying every night @knomat said 100,000 people in manasses last night
@andrewjcohen I've got 3 down and one up :-)
@knomat oh it's blowin up here too
@knomat so u guys opted for the bar instead of results night with the Voelker kids? What's up with that?
@rnjohnson I got in - my welcome email was flagged as spam by gmaili fyi
#wes08oct consumers union used social netwks to promote covering America project: facebook is a time sink! find niche social netwks
@cwolz does anyone know the eventvue login info for #wes08oct ?
@McGovern we met at NTEN - I'm in the front row at #wes08oct
#wes08oct mkting the radon vid contest on a shoestring: niche sites for film makers, sector relevant blogs, digg.
#wes08oct EPA radon program asked the public to create psa's about radon dangers. first federal youtube vid contest. 18 months for approval!
#wes08oct Witness gave away flip cams. Activists upload footage. Instant 'stock' footage for edited, powerful, targeted video piece.
Strategy for video sharing on human rights site The Hub - upload > context > connect > act.


Dick Hardt Ross Dion Hinchcliffe Dave Winer Sam Gonzales Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Paul Hyland Lee LeFever Ian Wilker Jeremy Carbaugh Marnie Webb jimbo wales Jeffrey Zeldman Matt McAlister Justin Thorp Jonathon D. Colman Steve Rubel Jeff Keni Pulver Tobias Eigen PJ Doland Andy Carvin Aaron Brazell Bill Johnston Scott Karp Allan Benamer Melissa Robison Barack Obama Michael Arrington marshallk Aaron Uhrmacher Tim McGovern Joshua Porter Beth Rosalyn Lemieux David Geilhufe
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