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about to speak to a nonprofit management certificate class about social media marketing for the nonprofit sector. in Anchorage.
To say life this week has been a chaotic mess is putting it mildly. To top it off, 2-yr-old's eye dr just scheduled surgery for next Mon.
Getting ready to teach 2 hours on Internet public relations and social media to nonprofits in Anchorage.
Reading about social media tips...
@greenskeptic Yes, APRN announces the daily loss of daylight in winter. It causes me momentary depression when I hear it.
Think Second Life is dead? Just landed another major corporate client interested in exploring SL. I am thrilled. Vindicated for my SL love.
It was minus 17 celcius/ minus 5 farenheit this morning but it has warmed up a wee bit. Sitting at Cafe del Mundo waiting for next phoner.
This is what I've been working on up here in Alaska
Prepping my Second Life show REAL BIZ in SL. Guest today is Joni West from This Second Marketing for her client The Club
Spoke with @Ross recently (from @socialtext) about collaboration and networks. The resulting post is up today:
@BeckyMcCray Oooh, what is the live SXSW panel idea? And what was the dead one?
Wow! Goodbye to Pownce. Have to say I haven't used it as much as Twitter, but it sure looked nice.
Good conversation with @socialminder. Are you using SocialMinder? How is it working for you?
Disputing speeding ticket I got-first one in my life-court date will be late Jan. My 1st trip back to Anchorage from Tok. Must drive slowly.
Must focus on getting toddler to school. Phoner with founder of @socialminder in a little more than an hour. Will be slow driving in snow.
NYTIMES: It's Official: U.S. Economy in Recession. And this is news to whom?
@zoom907 The quantum launch is quandry free for now & totally live! Well, working out the kinks of course. Now go follow @pickclickgive !
@DuncanMoon I'll let Emily know you say hi. She's doing amazingly well, totally taken with Africa. My new goal: Visit Emily!
@GeoffLiving @kamichat Freshbooks is the way to go. Made my invoicing actually fun this whole year. Never thought I'd be saying that!
Alaska Twitterfriends! Please help spread the word about this important program FMI: follow @pickclickgive


Biz Stone Evan Williams Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Xeni Jardin Ross om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sooz David Parmet Josh Hallett Justine Aldon Hynes Bernie C Chris Brogan drew olanoff Brian Conley John Federico Michael Bailey Beth Kanter John Wall Jay Moonah Becky McCray Elisa Camahort Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam Meg Jim Long Colleen Wainwright Emily Chang Rolando Brown
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