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Americans pay down debts for the first time since 1952, says report. They also lost $2.81 trillion in wealth in the third quarter.
Literacy or lack thereof on display in this meme "How is babby formed? how girl get pragnent?"
It's cold here in the bay area, and I'm enjoying the change.
@rossturk You could buy a systemwide upgrade on ebay for $400. (Still $400 though.)
@kk I was at that concert too! (But not backstage)
@michaelkdolan google talk is not working for me.
What's in a name? "X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System:" the first name for the mouse 40 years ago.
Just finished trimming the tree. Fun!
My carnitas experiment a success.
@digiphile The Things They Carried is a fantastic book. He's never gotten close with anything since then, but it's a masterpiece.
@cshirky Interesting. Reminds me of T Friedman's predictions that the current oil situation will have a similar effect in middle east.
I am determined to get these book edits done tonight.
Posted "IBMs Linux desktop
@LinuxScribe I really enjoyed Elegy.
I do not like the new google reader interface.
RT LinuxScribe Posted: "How to Write Your Own LDN Article"
Bummer. woman swept to sea during marriage proposal
Have you ever listened to an old song playlist and been reminded all too clearly how the month started off great but turned sour? (I have)
Thanks, friends, for the help. Morocco sounds like a thumbs up.


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