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if Obama, Biden, and Hillary had been in the Senate voting, would the bill have passed? how far away was the vote count?
@Kalabird have you crocheted before? I was a crocheter and picked knitting up pretty quickly, though i haven't had the time to advance far
@Kalabird ooh, then we can have a knitting party at the #09NTC :)
then again, it's a free service that rocks for me, so, I suppose a quick break in music to ensure i keep getting music isn't bad
just heard an ad on my Pandora streaming music. boo!
Traveling is disruptive enough, nm the weather + mechanical problems. Ugh.
Great: just had to de-plane for maintenance. Good thing I don't have a tight connection to make.
yesterday dragged by, and today it's 1pm already and feels like 10am. time is totally relative and us. opposite of what i want it to be!
@peterscampbell love your "why we tweet" post on Idealware's blog!
@dinalew i know - much better than i expected - a really good read! can you believe she didn't start cooking until like 38?
I'm reading "My Life in France" - Julia Child #breviewfri
Retweeting @09NTC: woohooo! NTC Registration is officially open! Check it out at!
@IamaMacRae glad we got to connect! hope to see you in SF in March for #NTC09 :)
Been busy connecting with folks at #convio08 - glad to put faces w/e-names, and meet new nptechies!
#Convio08 want a We are Media t-shirt? Come see me at the NTEN booth!
@kalabird @jordanv @coreypud so glad i get to see y'all tomorrow #convio08
ok #convio08 i'm here and love the open space in this hotel. see all you np superstars tomorrow! alas, no tech club for me 2nite.
@CoreyPud wait is there a 501 tech club austin meetup tonight? Someone tweet the details @ me - I'll see if I can make it!
@judis217 I'm gong to be at NTEN booth at Convio Summit - come by!
Got a flat on the way to airport. Thankfully made it to the gate in time.


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