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@MelissaRyan picked up rumor a little while ago that Donnovan is going to knock Caruso out as Chairman - hard to imagine he'd do that but
@MelissaRyan - now that i'm on twitter who all should I be following
@AmyUlness - now that I'm on Twitter, who all should I be following?
Feeling bad for our friends at the Courant (and for CT), especially since the damage was self inflicted by the jerks at the Tribune Company
snow! Yup, dogs and I want to report that the ground is covered with a not so light dusting of the white, frozen stuff with more falling.
added some cool people and places to follow...what should I do next?
Starting to figure this out - a little - wow! What an amazing "tool"
@ahynes1 wow! Cool! thanks for the note! Saw some of your work from the SEEC meeting, realized it was past time to add this "tool"
trying to figure out how twitter works


Aldon Hynes Starbucks Coffee CNN Breaking News BBC Technology Bill Clinton The New York Times Barack Obama Hillary Clinton NPR Politics Joe Trippi actblue thepolitico Kathleen Anderson MelissaRyan Breaking News Stephen T. Colbert ACLU Barack Obama News Jeanne Shaheen Free Press HimesForCongress NewsHour dscc2008 CTTech ConnPolitics spazeboy ctnewsjunkie AmyUlness Travel - State Dept WTIC 1080 News Colin McEnroe CQ Politics Barbara_Boxer Rachel Maddow MSNBC Senator Chris Dodd