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Cabbage Statistics, 1960-2007 (94008)


Annual data on U.S. and state acreage, yield, production and value of fresh cabbage and cabbage for sauerkraut. Also includes monthly prices, price indexes, usual planting and harvesting dates, varieties planted, per capita use, world acreage and production by country, and world trade.

Data set updated May 2008.

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  • Table01.xls U.S. fresh cabbage: Area, yield, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table02.xls U.S. cabbage for sauerkraut: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table03.xls Alabama fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-68
  • Table04.xls Alaska fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-68
  • Table05.xls Arizona fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table06.xls California fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table07.xls Colorado fresh cabbage: Area, yield, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table08.xls Colorado cabbage for sauerkraut: Area, production, & value, 1976-81
  • Table09.xls Connecticut fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-75
  • Table10.xls Florida fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table11.xls Georgia fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table12.xls Hawaii fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2006
  • Table13.xls Idaho and Utah fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-64
  • Table14.xls Illinois fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table15.xls Indiana fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-81
  • Table16.xls Indiana cabbage for sauerkraut: Area, production, & value, 1979-81
  • Table17.xls Iowa fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-68
  • Table18.xls Louisiana fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-75
  • Table19.xls Maryland fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table20.xls Massachusetts fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-81
  • Table21.xls Michigan fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table22.xls Minnesota fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-75
  • Table23.xls Mississippi fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-75
  • Table24.xls Missouri fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-75
  • Table25.xls New Hampshire fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-68
  • Table26.xls New Jersey fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table27.xls New York fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table28.xls New York cabbage for sauerkraut: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table29.xls North Carolina fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table30.xls Ohio fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table31.xls Ohio cabbage for sauerkraut: Area, production, & value, 1960-81
  • Table32.xls Oregon fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2006
  • Table33.xls Pennsylvania fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table34.xls Rhode Island fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-68
  • Table35.xls South Carolina fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-80
  • Table36.xls Tennessee fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-81
  • Table37.xls Texas fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table38.xls Virginia fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table39.xls Washington fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-81
  • Table40.xls Wisconsin fresh cabbage: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table41.xls Wisconsin cabbage for sauerkraut: Area, production, & value, 1960-2007
  • Table42.xls State census number of farms with cabbage and area harvested
  • Table43.xls Fresh cabbage: Monthly producer price index, 1960-2008
  • Table44.xls Fresh cabbage: U.S. monthly retail price, 1960-2008
  • Table45.xls Monthly wholesale prices of cabbage in NY City
  • Table46.xls Monthly average cabbage price at specified shipping points, 1980-92
  • Table47.xls Arrivals in selected cities by major shipping points,83-98
  • Table48.xls Monthly shipments of cabbage, 1978-2007
  • Table49.xls Monthly shipments of sauerkraut, 1978-99
  • Table50.xls U.S. sauerkraut: Packer stocks on hand August 1, 1961-69
  • Table51.xls U.S. fresh cabbage: Supply, utilization, & price, 1970-2008
  • Table52.xls U.S. cabbage for sauerkraut: Supply, utilization, & price, 1970-2008
  • Table53.xls Cabbage, southern region: Retail value and price spreads, 1985-91
  • Table54.xls Cabbage, North Central region: Retail value and price spreads, 1985-91
  • Table55.xls Cabbage, Northeast region: Retail value and price spreads, 1985-91
  • Table56.xls Cabbage, fresh: U.S. production, summary by State, 1960-2007
  • Table57.xls U.S. fresh cabbage: Principal producing areas and varieties, 2004-2006
  • Table58.xls U.S. fresh cabbage: Usual planting and harvesting dates, 2004-2006
  • Table59.xls U.S. fresh cabbage: Fertilizer use, area treated, & total applied, 2006
  • Table60.xls U.S. fresh cabbage: Agricultural chemical applications, 2006
  • Table61.xls U.S. cabbage: Annual import and export volume, 1960-2007
  • Table62.xls Cabbage, fresh/chilled: U.S. exports by country, 1978-2007
  • Table63.xls Sauerkraut, prepared: U.S. exports by country, 1978-2007
  • Table64.xls Cabbage seed: U.S. exports by country, 1978-2007
  • Table65.xls Cabbage, fresh/chilled: U.S. imports by country, 1978-2007
  • Table66.xls Sauerkraut, prepared: U.S. imports by country, 1978-2007
  • Table67.xls Cabbage seed: U.S. imports by country, 1978-2007
  • Table68.xls World cabbage: Harvested area by country, 1961-2006
  • Table69.xls World cabbage: Production by country, 1961-2006
  • Table70.xls World cabbage: Import volume, 1990-2005
  • Table71.xls World cabbage: Import value, 1990-2005
  • Table72.xls World cabbage: Export value per unit, 1990-2005
  • Table73.xls World cabbage: Export volume, 1990-2005
  • Table74.xls World cabbage: Export value, 1990-2005
  • Table75.xls Cabbage, fresh: Cost of production, Hastings, Florida, 1990-91
  • Table76.xls Cabbage, fresh: Cost of production, Imperial, California, 2002-03
  • Table77.xls Cabbage, fresh: Cost of production, South Texas, 1993
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