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Feel kinda bad leaving. How should I pay my wife back, to let her know how much I appreciate her? Ideas from Tweetville?
Heading to Clearwater - alone. Wife is home prepping for Ely's b-day party, but Ely is running a small fever. Oh, the ups and downs of kids.
Gotta head to the grocery store. Think I might get sushi for lunch. What are you eating for lunch today?
Got questions about making money with your blog? Email me! Details:
@masscontrolkern Some godo video editing on this video. Makes my iMovie editing look, well, like shiznit.
@kingofcopy Yeah, both @ryanwade and I are really increasing the amount of videos we do. Look forward to seeing your's.
Whenever iMovie 08 crashes, a puppy dies.
Case Study on Engineering a Viral Video
Can You Go "Optical-Less"?: Situation: You’ve decided that you’re going to build a new computer. You..
What Counts More, Education Or Experience? [Tech Jobs]: You’ve heard the old Catch-22 phrase, "You ne..
Try Using A Blank Home Page: Something I have swapped over to recently and found to be a very welcome change is ..
Design changes at Also, new Twitter background. Been busy tonight. :-) Time to unplug from the matrix. Adios.
Wow. Watching an astronomy show on NatGeo in HD. Amazing computer animation.
How To Look at the Popular 2008 Search Terms [#4]
What Is Steampunk?: For you crafty types out there that work with woods and metals, you may find that those skil..
Are "Music" CDs Safe To Write Data To?: When optical drives started to become the norm in home computers, all of..
Radio Tech News – Recorded 12/11/08: Every week, I record the technology news for 820 AM WWBA here in the Tampa ..
I know its been out for several days, but just wanted to say: I really like the Google Reader re-design.


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