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Summer 2007 Issue of Sea&Shore   Sea & Shore
  Summer 2007

Note: Each article is also available on our PDF Table of Contents. You can also download the entire issue as a PDF file.

Admiral’s Corner
My Parting Shot

Putting a Limit on LimDu
With the SMART approach to diagnosis, treatment and reconditioning of musculoskeletal injuries, many patients return to full-duty status within 30 days of their first medical consultation.

According to the Statistics . . .
A look at the number of injuries caused by off-duty recreational/sports activities.

Price Tag on Musculoskeletal Injuries More Than $600M
The Navy Environmental Health Center program manager for injury prevention and physical fitness addresses the monetary cost of musculoskeletal injuries.

Exercise—Your Health Depends on Doing It Right
A list of tips designed to keep you from trying to get in shape too quickly.

A Shipboard Study in Lost-Workday Injuries
Recreational injuries accounted for 25 percent of all lost-duty injuries during an aircraft carrier’s six-month deployment.

Taking Control of Recreational Activities Commands and participants alike share safety responsibilities when it comes to engaging in recreational activities.

Play It Where It Lies
By LCdr. Norm Presecan
A day on the golf course sends the author to an emergency room.

A Long Fall Ends Mountain-Biking Career
By Lt. Joseph Brogren
A long layoff, an unfamiliar trail, some unfamiliar equipment, and riding alone become the downfall of a mountain biker.

A Workout Gone Wrong
A shipboard squadronmate learns why its important to stay hydrated while working out in a hot climate.

Lack of Electrolytes Makes It “Lights Out”
By Bill Ewing
A runner in training for a marathon gets in trouble when he doesn’t hydrate properly.

Balance: The Answer to Safe Hydration
Some tips to help you avoid the risks associated with endurance exercise.

Protecting People From Heat Stress
Knowing what to look for can help you avoid heat-related illnesses.

Critical Days of Summer: More Fun, Bigger Risks
A review of some common-sense tips to help you avoid becoming another statistic this summer.

A Human Skipping Stone
By Maj. B. D. “Gump” Harrelson, USMC
The author’s second outing on a WaveRunner proves to be a memorable experience when he tries to duplicate some of the stunts he has seen his friends do.

Unrep Hazard Prompts Change in Ship’s ORM Planning
By Lt. Chris Bingham and Lt. Andrew Bates
A fuel probe coming unseated during an unrep leads to incorporation of this hazard into a ship’s ORM planning.

ORM Paves Way to Find Root Cause of ARIs
By Cdr. James F. Koeltzow
USS Kitty Hawk leadership tries to find and fix the root cause of Sailors’ alcohol-related problems.

USS Doyle: Conquering the Blue Threats
By LCdr. Jennifer Gelker and Ken Testorff
Everything Sailors do aboard this Navy frigate incorporates the family, team and warship philosophy.

The Secrets to Doyle’s Success
A look at the best practices in place aboard USS Doyle.

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