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Going to ikea. I know this is stupid.
Tweets run amok. Selective unfollowing.
Spanish TV is a maravilla. First Dali, now reruns of the show Soap. "Se trata de una comedia con tintes surrealistas que parodia el mundo...
churros, chocolate, tapas, chatas, chuches... ahora palomitas y más Michel Gondry.
The mere mention of churros causes O to burst into tears of nostalgia. Going to San Gines.
I let the Chinese hair salon have its way with me: minor beating, a large rodent-sized ball of hair on the floor, short hair cut.
Nuestra vida es un círculo dantesco. Sí señor Valle, sí.
I can't believe Michel Gondry stole my hideous disasters calendar idea. I can't see the floating finger sausage no matter how hard I try.
Sending X out for whiskey. Grandma's hot toddy is my only hope.
Coughing. Sneezing. Listening to the White Album practice tapes...
Feeling queasy after reading an article about the terrible famine in North Korea flanked by "Lose Belly Fat" ads.
@adam I can't figure out the new trazzler thing... how does it work?
@jazzigor mm, suena mucho más delicioso en alemán.
@jazzigor hay que luchar contra el espanglish--> leftovers.
The Spanish Dell sale slogan: "Spread the joy without ruining yourself." Happy times.
Spent the evening chasing away witches (las meigas) with flaming vats of alcohol.
Year five: we finally gave up on Thanksgiving.
Tied for first place in fantasy football... bailed out Citibank. I feel like I can do anything that I have no interest in.
@loplopisdead Whatcha doing with licor 43? An elderly friend gets a shot in her afternoon coffee. Me: finos/manzanillas bien frios y jamón.


Biz Stone Adam Rugel chris sizemore diamond geezer Chewbacca Barack Obama Stephen Colbert FrikiTV Snoop Dogg Mauro Entrialgo Digg (Science) G Linder zach Braiker DANIEL OBRIEN christian perez NoamMorrissey grantimatter Flyingwaitress kroonos crazytrain xtinel Aidan Mann loplopisdead osquitar fireant2871 tomselleck BOTOOLE Zanahorio Conejismo fabiolr  Steve Haweeli MarsPhoenix trazzler travelingmamas catherine arnold jazzigor