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@sealfur is ross ever coming back?
Dagnabbit i wanna watch Dexter.
Brilliant comment on the Australia review: watching it is "a bit like experiencing Stockholm Syndrome" Perfect.
Goddamit, a new Dexter and a new IT Crowd and I cant download em cos of the emails i downloaded this weekend. Fuck..
@deconstructo its well worth watching.
I cant wait for the honourable racist from Lindsay to make an appearance. Best political fuck up, ever.
Howard years doco is awesome. Weirdly, Pete Costello comes off as the most decent guy in the room. I stand by this post:
ok, off to watch the Howard Years. Please, no spoilers..
superfluous T's FTW.
testing the twittter facebook thingy...
@hopeinhell @drylight @rob_caporetto thanks :) i guess i'll just divide my pointless updates between both services then...
so if i use the twitter facebook thingy, do all my facebook updates still start with that pointless fucking "Peter is..." thingy?
according to the new Connex timetables haven't been a success.
@filthyspringbok tis the shittiest news in a very long time... :(
be more funny internets.
@decryption dude, thats pretty hardcore. listen to something happy, STAT!
Cunty, cunty, cunty, cunt, knob, knob, squat.
RIP Richard Marsland
@the_gee_man that sounds way more awesome.
when i grow up, i'm not gonna pay people for working for me, just like _____!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Pat bobcat rock Molly E. Holzschlag Josh Knowles James Turnbull Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Conor Curlett Greg Lexiphanic Lachlan Hardy Amber Nic Hodges Michael Newby Craig Childs Tim Riley chris Mickipedia Michael Specht that grum guy! Sarah Dom Romeo Gary Barber drew robinson  Vicki Simone chezza Nick Cowie Demis Stephen Collins magia3e Andrew.T Pete Yandell
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