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I'm gonna call it right now - Xmas and Boxing Day are going to be the most successful days on the app store for the year.
I know I ask to often, but I need a iPhone developer badly.
Just got fantastic ideas from a fantastic developer.
Wow, check out how the Apple ad effects the page, very cool -
My brothers alarm is DJing my morning.
Trying to be a good guy, but may have to be a conniving bastard.
Listening to Beck, like I do everyday.
In a freak accident I woke up at 5:30, got up and made it to the bathroom before realizing I had four more hours of sleep.
Man on Wire was so amazing.
Re-evaluating SXSW, I think I'm gonna go :)
Would really love it if my bank was capable of sending me a daily summary of my funds, or inform me of successful wire transfers.
My weather widget keeps giving me really inaccurate temperatures, usually thinks its -20 celsius than reality.
Much to my surprise I am listening to a podcast of a client talking about hiring me, why, and what he expects. Was quite beneficial.
I really liked Digg before they added the image function. Now it's basically just a silly image board.
I like recognizing Larty David's voice in old Seinfeld episodes.
The guy who made iBeer is damn lucky, a few days work for a top 25 app since the store opened.
I really need to look into my Mac Pro issues, it will start buzzing loudly till I smack the case.
Reading up on Tim Ferriss's "Lose 20lbs. of Fate in 30 Days ..without exercise" diet. Very interested.


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