John Moltz’s Favorites

John Dickerson
jdickerson Helping my son with his homework is frustrating. His procrastination is keeping me from getting back to procrastinating.
SeoulBrother What if it turned out that Ewoks were bacon making masters? Who'd be the asshole, then? Still, George Lucas because of Jar Jar, that's who.
ryan adam
ryan10ad @Moltz Dont worry, my family prefers you over me.
Brent Simmons
brentsimmons @Moltz Fife, I’ve heard, is nasty, brutish, and short.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane Jonas punching John? NOT FUNNY. But a little funny that he yelled "Oh, yeah? Well I've got something for you right here!" before he did it.
Elizabeth Chuck
echuckles A guy dressed as Santa just said "what's up, baby?" to me. I challenge you to ruin the magic of Christmas in fewer words than that.
SeoulBrother Don't you hate it when the urinal is still warm from the last guy to use it? Ugh.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane If you find yourself saying "I can't believe you won't change the way you chew for the sake of our marriage!" your period's probably coming.
hotdogsladies Our poor families still don't get that we never answer the phone and seldom check messages. They might as well be speaking into a game hen.
Tom Carmony
tomcarmony @Moltz They stare because they're so impressed with your environmental consciousness.
Smart as Shat
smartasshat Still no power here. GF is trying to heat water for cocoa with merely the power of sheer hatred.
Smart as Shat
smartasshat @Moltz You were there too?? I regifted mine to the 5 yo next door and -hoo boy- what a kerfuffle!
potjie @shortyawards I nominate @potjie for a Shorty Award in #isdoingitwrong because who's doing it wrong *now*, huh?
hotdogsladies In SF, you're either "a dog person" or "a baby person." But, on fight nights I've been to, people get so drunk they end up betting on both.
Jim Ray
jimray My fantasy football team barely made the playoffs. I knew trading that orc defensive line for a bunch of elves was the wrong move.
J Thornburg
InsoOutso I bet Pavlov’s dogs hated Salvation Army bell-ringers.
Tony Delgrosso
Tony_D I think it's time for Opportunity to start using the fucking doorbell. I can't hear him knocking from my office up here.
Theo Tsecouras
ttseco All my tweets are supposed to be read with Arianna Huffington's accent.
Michele Catalano
abigvictory "You know you can turn your laptop into a touch screen?" "Really?" "Yea, just go into control panel, under Leprechaun Magic." "I hate you."


Evan Williams Jason Goldman Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Nick Douglas Scott Beale President Monteiro Robert S Andersen Colleen Wainwright Jason Hoffman Simon Crowley Grant Hutchinson John Gruber Neven Mrgan Jim Ray teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Tony Delgrosso Potjie Scott McNulty Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Ben Tesch Jeffrey Zeldman Jeff Barszcz Khoi Vinh Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen ckwinny Dori Aziz Macworld nostrich Joshua Green Allen lane dunlop Amy Jane Gruber
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