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@patrickc Abelson & Sussman, K&R, Rivest & Stein, Kleinberg & Tardos (maybe), Dino book, something on compilers, optional topics (like AI).
@wilshipley I was about to say the same thing yesterday, but then I deleted it.
@iTod i think my room mate wrote an obj-c keychain framework... if you're looking
@wooster I put the availability date forward every day right until the app went live, it still fucked me over with a three week old date.
At google all morning
@tlrobinson dude that sucks. what are we going to do for a printer now?
@stroughtonsmith I hate having replies separated from other tweets... That's one thing I despise about my current client.
@funkatron Obj-J is also a strict superset of JS. It's JS++, not a completely new language. It adds what we needed most to get things done.
@funkatron JS has many limitations: lack of import, dynamic msg sends, classical inheritance; ultimately, obj-j exists to enable Cappuccino.
@funkatron If you think Objective-J is for people who don't want to learn another language, you've missed the point.
IB has really been more annoying then helpful for iPhone stuff. Thankfully I'm really used to laying out everything in code thanks to Capp.
just wrote the single greatest feature of this new app i've been working on. odds that apple won't like it are high.
@iTod ouch. hopefully it means you were at Apple and got an incredibly good deal? that's why my room mate bought his...
@wisequark I should note, for the record, that we have both products in our house...
@wisequark Also, owning one is basically a sure fire sign of Fanboyism I've found. The only better indicator I've seen is an iPod Hi-Fi.
@wisequark I found it entirely useless until we installed Boxee on it. Now we use it all the time.


Buzz Andersen Andrew Wilkinson Dan Cederholm Harjeet Hickensian Ryan Carson Alex Payne John Gruber teh_real_chock William Wilkinson Eric Blair rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Rui Carmo Robert Marini Gus Mueller Steven Frank John Resig Chris Hanson Vitor Lourenço Paul Buchheit Andrew Wooster Tony Wright Brian Fioca Todd Ditchendorf C4 Barack Obama Jed Schmidt Ryan Junee Jamie Quint Wil Wheaton Trevor Johns Cabel M. Sasser Daniel Ha Andrew Wadycki David Gorman