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"If you use the GNU autoconf test for sizeof(char), you might as well tattoo 'I don't know what sizeof means' on your forehead."
@netik did you see that she used to pose for a magazine called 'Twitter'? (no kidding)
apparently @robey and I are "the chickpea incident". kinda like the stringcheese incident but also jerks. :-(
Top Ten list of People to Unfollow on Twitter:
@jkalucki I see you found my childhood.
oh my aching whatever.
Really enjoying the hell out of this manhattan at the Twitter holiday party.
just got bit by Amdahl's Law. grrr!
@debasishg it's called the memory hierarchy. every working programmer should understand it.
we live in a topsy-turvy bizarro world:
"I want to say JotSpot but I don't know if that's a real thing" - @robey
"You can't just sit on the sofa this Christmas and eat nuts." - British Dietetic Association (real quote)
much like the KGB, I'm getting to the bottom of things with brass knuckles and hershey kisses.
it's nice of google calendar to email me a reminder of my appointer _after_ the appointment.
@craigcalef hah! the guy has a trident, too. That type of gladiator is called a retiarius.
@_evan ugh, sorry buddy. :-(
"BE AWARE OF BOGUS SITES AND LAMERS" (trying out the Amazon Pirate Bay GreaseMonkey hack)
Thoughts on Varnish:


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Livia Shannon Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Craig Calef Stacy Jenson, dammit Steve Mays Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Eric Case Jason Shellen Lane Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins angus Salim caroline lorna Niall Kennedy Michael Herf Erika Hall bryan mason
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