Paul Smith’s Favorites

why the lucky stiff
_why aww clever, mccain pushed the bailout legislation through by attaching it to an email as pr0k.vbs and that dummy obama clicked on it!
James Bennett
ubernostrum If elected, would McCain ask Osama bin Laden for a "time out"?
John Dickerson
jdickerson Sarah Palin stopped the Bridge to Nowhere if by "stopped" you mean advocated for it.
John Dickerson
jdickerson Sarah Palin is following me on Twitter but its from a helicopter and she has a rifle.
John Kostuch
kostuch I thought it was Michael Palin when I saw the photo on Drudge of her holding the fish. I'd vote for the "fish sketch"
Slate Cavic's coach just turned in the protest paperwork ... but Phelps' coach somehow filed a COUNTER-protest one-hundredth of a second earlier!
hotdogsladies Gmail's back. Our long national nightmare of not knowing there's cake in the fucking conference room is finally over. [Cue Lee Greenwood]
Wilson Miner
wilsonminer I eat pieces of pie like you for breakfast.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Thinking Hillary is going to concede is the new rickroll.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Hillary: "And that is why, after much deliberation, I have decided to end my ... subscription to Cooking Light Magazine. Lol, sike."
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Lieberman is like a wolf in sheep's clothing doing a strip tease.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin How could Indiana Jones 4 be bad? I mean, it's not as if Lucas has a history of irredeemably fucking up my favorite childhood trilogies.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane Arguing with John about Mr. Clean. I do NOT think it is implied that he cleans your floors and then "rogers your wife."
Fake Steven Wright
notstevenwright Half the people you know are below average.
Fake Steven Wright
notstevenwright I'm addicted to placebos. I could quit but it wouldn't matter.


Harper John Zeratsky mlmills1 Cal Henderson brady forrest Daniel X. O'Neil Wilson Miner Simon Willison Sandy Andy Baio rands John Gruber Melissa Dean Andrei Dean Cameron Allen Joshua Green Allen Clive Thompson Schuyler Erle Sandor Weisz Matt Haughey Dave Troy Barack Obama john bracken Jeremy Dunck Scott Robbin Andrew Turner Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert Tim Bray Adrian Holovaty Matthew Baldwin Chris McAvoy Lore Sjöberg Sunlightlabs API Rob Simmons Michal Migurski