The Coop’s Favorites

Steve Lopez
steelopus Is peeing in the shower different from peeing _during_ a shower? I'm, uh, asking for a friend.
Steve Lopez
steelopus What kind of country do we live in where a black man can't even win a dance competition?! What's that? PRESIDENT? Get the fuck out! Really?
Nicole D.
NickiHiss Going back to bed for half an hour. See you this afternoon.
Steve Lopez
steelopus Judging by the size of the ingrown hair I just yanked out, I'd say the unborn twin in my neck has finally reached puberty
Steve Lopez
steelopus Ha! The Jewish kid answered the question about Easter on Teen Jeopardy! ... What? I'm just saying
Steve Lopez
steelopus I can't figure out if the Roly Door dude has a dump in his pants or if he just walks with _swagger_. Beeline to the bathroom says the former
Steve Lopez
steelopus In other news... poop and boob are totally the same word, just flipped upside down. Mind::Blown
Steve Lopez
steelopus Squirrels eat berries when they are fresh and bury nuts for the winter because berries can't be buried.
Steve Lopez
steelopus Michael Crichton died? Shit. Now we're NEVER gonna get "Congo Redux: Those Fucking Monkeys Are Back" Retweeted - w/ new & improved grammar!
Steve Lopez
steelopus Michael Crichton died? Shit. Now we're NEVER gonna get "Congo Redux: Those Fucking Monkey's Are Back"
Steve Lopez
steelopus If I'm ever listening to Coldplay on a Dell, I ask you to please find me and pull my head out of my ass.
Steve Lopez
steelopus What? How do I "download" a song and what the heck is an empty-three?
Steve Lopez
steelopus I'm getting sick of reinstalling Leopard on my Mac every time I want to hear that fun post-install song. There has got to be a better way.
Steve Lopez
steelopus 60 Minutes just did a story about disabled people controlling electronics using only their thoughts. Suck on THAT, Stephen Hawking.
Nicole D.
NickiHiss When your friend "Stinky"starts hitting on you It's definitely time to go home.
Steve Lopez
steelopus 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - HAPPY NOVEMBER!!! Is that right? Did I do it right?!
You Look Nice Today
ylnt Fun Bunch Poll: Star me if you'd contribute to a YLNT wiki for Illuminations, videos, theories, HOWTOs, exegeses, references etc. Who's in?
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich LazyWeb: I need someone to blitz a wolf in the Los Angeles area. Can anyone recommend a good wolf blitzer?


Evan Williams davegray seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Eric Alba Mack D. Male Greg Andrew Maria Jose Tara missrogue Hunt Robert Occhialini Will Patterson Brian Partridge Derek Gathright Lode WDavidStephenson Dan Patterson Jay Mike Carvalho Erik Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Brad Jennifer Woodard M Stephanie Justine eric L Ben Brown Beogradoholik Lori White kristen crusius Graham English drew olanoff Chuck Olsen
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