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@lisabettany try to plug in and unplug a pair of headphones
@arielwaldman I work on call so I'm as likely to be up now as I am at any time.
my Twitterank is 6.4!
Goodtymes for lunch
At hooters. Meh.
At the dentist again.
Thinking about a trip to bistango tomorrow.
Can't wait for a canon 5dmkII
Running a train to Pasco.
@AdamChronister It came out on the ninth. I picked it up at barnes and noble.
Just picked up the ask a ninja book.
Restoring iPhone now. Should only take forever.
2.1 has my iPhone in a loop of restore and recovery.
@dlprager ratatat are sweet. Just have the newest cd. Been meaning to check out the earlier ones.
At goodtymes.
No griz game at swinging doors. FAIL
In Pasco.
On the hunt for viva piƱata trouble in paradise.


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