Publication Number: 3742

Report Title: International Economic Review: Energy Use in China: Trends in Oil Demand and Imports; The Expanded Andean Trade Preferences Act and a U.S. Free Trade Agreement With its Beneficiaries

Author's name(s): Joanne Guth, Melissa Ginsberg, Magda Kornis

Date Published: December 2004

Report Description/Introductory Text: “Energy Use in China: Trends in Oil Demand and Imports” identifies China as the second largest consumer of energy, lagging behind only the United States. In 2002 it surpassed Japan to also become the second largest consumer of oil, and by 2003 accounted for 7.6 percent of total world oil use and 12.1 percent of world energy use. As China becomes an increasingly important player in world energy markets, its behavior has the potential to impact world energy prices. This article provides an overview of energy use in China, with specific attention to trends in Chinese oil production and consumption.

According to “The Expanded Andean Trade Preferences Act and a U.S. Free Trade Agreement With its Beneficiaries,” as the United States begins negotiations with Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia for a United States-Andean free trade agreement, 86 percent of combined U.S. imports from these countries are already free of duty. For these Andean countries, the principal reason for pursuing this trade agreement is to ensure that their preferential access to the U.S. market becomes permanent. It should also contribute to more stable economic conditions and foreign investment inflows.

Topics Covered: USITC, energy consumption, energy demand, oil consumption, oil demand, free trade agreement (FTA), Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA), Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA)

Countries: United States, China, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia

HTS Numbers: 27

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