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Morning big gear drill- ouch and ouch!
Havin din din with my buddy Janester - fabu shabu shabu
Sadly my death valley getaway is at an end - back to insane work schedule from hell. My happy memories will sooth my hours of suffering.
Havin a great get away with special K
Makin our way through the Mohave heading to the bleak beaty of death valley. Yay!
Gettin' ready to blend the blended family - large gathering for food consumption soon to commence-manditory bike ride done.
Relaxing day - chillin with special K watchin movie classic- lawrence of aradia - one of the top ten anticipating death valley get away.
twittering from the plane 2 hour before I land- my present went well - not a home run but we got to third base. Does that make sense? Th ...
2 months work down to the final 3 hours
Off to Philly last big present. 3 months of grinding it out - ready for a rest.
Another day at the office last big push to finish second of 2 giant brand projects. Tired and excited- miss my bike : (
Takin my newly minted 40 year old MILF to her birthday dinner at her fav pho in eagle rock with 19 friends and family.
Sad times at the robbins house our newest sweetest member was killed by a coyote last night. Mrs. Robbins and henry are greiving -me sup ...
Takin more than well deserved break from frantic to watch 007.
Out with my honey bunny at fav pho in eagle rock - on the cusp of 8030 consecutive days of substance free living = 22 years in the can.
Fnally out for a ride on my dream bike - like oblivionpact busy beyond all reason & tired to the bone
President Obama!!!!
Civic duty done. Go Barrak.
Home run present in Toronto - rebrand for biggest entertainment in Canada. Ye haw
In Toronto contemplating life love death and Camagnolo. Going campy 11 speed a life altering descision.