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Just liberated a bag of bar-b-q Fritos from a vending machine. Mmm
Just watched 1000 Strangers eat.
Bored at the mall. Watching guy cook who needs hairnet on his chest.
My daughter taunted me with her chili (with beans).
SteveO on The OC season 4 episode 2 - My hetero canine lifemate Homer.
Horseradish sauce rocks.
Flash carts are awesome.
IBC Root Beer is good. Thinking about deep frying a burrito and then placing it gingerly on a bed of lettuce and cheeze, and then salsa it.
I am totally going to eat some Chinese food in a few minutes, but first the pre-eating ritual of watching the dog poop.
Starting season 3 of The OC.
Buffy Season 6 Episode 7 - sing it!
Messing with Twittelator on my Touch. Much more interesting and many more options. Ham samwich. - Waffle cookies from Cindy!
Weasels have independant thoughts. Gumbo for lunch. Yeah me!
Now outside with the dog. He sniffs and then excreats. I guess we all do.
Just trimmed the dog's long-ass nails. Now no click-clack down the hallway (well, hardly any).


dafttimo Paul Altobelli tatumweaver allison p.