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@craigcalef, I know, the new style print along with the removal of backticks and a few other things are why I decided against py3k for this
Holy incredible song, batman!
Woot, PyvaScript now supports while and if statements :)
@tlg, Thanks :) After today it should have support for most Python constructs and some sort of wrappers for Javascript's oddities
Basic YUI code working in PyvaScript:
Just ran my first bit of Python->Javascript code!
Wow. Elliott Smith had few great live performances, but this is stunning.
Listening to Beatles in tribute to John. RIP
Everybody seems to think I'm lazy. I don't mind, I think they're crazy. Running everywhere at such a speed, till they find there's no need
Designing software on paper. The world is coming to an end.
Time for sleep, even if I'm still wired from tonight. I can't wait to start socializing more, now that I've actually forced myself to do it
I had sooooooo much fun, but now I'm ungodly tired. Been up for like... 29 hours?
watching the falcon lords
at eyedrum, having a blast
Heading to the exhibit now.
@KirinDave, can't be the functional programmers. I think email would be considered a side-effect.
man, MeFi is failing me tonight. Then again, my question is ubervague
@vluther, still one more month before i can do that in public :(
just posted on ask.mefi about how to socialize. Help a fellow geek out!


Craig Calef Major Nelson (Larry) Antoine Perdaens Raphael Slinckx Julian Krause Stephen Weeks tnt Totophe Jeraimee John Edwards Darth Vader Rishabh Kumar vluther Bryan Pearson Enzo Dave Fayram Scott Bargabus Brad Harris Mike Kayla Struwig Richard J. Anderson Jason Simpson Annaliza Savage Curtis Kline Tamir Ryan Cerniglia Michael J Cohen lutin jeph jacques Zac Bowling pirogoth Davey Shafik devteam Matthew Turland TerrorBite