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who knew the secret to being really productive is getting up at 7:30 instead of 9:30?
So so so so so so so insanely happy.
@Cecilyk It's not looking good on Prop 8, but it's only 13% reporting so far.
Two minutes!
I am so thrilled my son is alive to see this day.
I have never been more proud of my country than I am right now.
@shelikespurple TIME FOR YOUR (little glass) OF CHAMPAGNE!
@Wonderspot Yes! When do we get to hear about 8? I am very hopeful.
@slynnro I always stuff them behind. Am grown up.
"all we need is nine votes from the supreme court and we can still pull this off" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
@Cecilyk No news yet on Prop 8. but our polls are still open.
@mightymaggie Seriously so jealous.
@mightymaggie and wine? If you have wine and all those snacks, I am going to have to invite myself to Seattle.
why didn't I get fattening snacks for stress eating while watching the polls come in? That was clearly a faux pas. Triscuits would help.
this beam in thing on CNN is wicked creepy.
@shelikespurple I watched the Hills and Sesame Street. It was very soothing. But now I'm right back in it.
Vermont is the first state to be called for Obama, and somewhere up there my grandmother is proud.