STAT-USA/Internet, a service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is a single point of access to authoritative business, trade, and economic information from across the Federal Government.
State of the Nation -- Obtain over 50,000 current and historical U.S. statistical releases, state and regional analysis reports, forecasts, and financial data!
GLOBUS & NTDB -- Obtain over 200,000 current and historical trade-related releases, international market research, country analysis, and trade and procurement leads!
Just added:
- Consumer Installment Credit (posted December 5, 2008).
- Selected Interest Rates (posted December 5, 2008).
- The Employment Situation (posted December 5, 2008).
Just added:
- New! STAT-USA has added Best Market Reports to the International Trade Library section. These reports are extensive industry country and topical market research that help pinpoint best markets for U.S. exporters.
- STAT-USA has updated the publication Electric Current Worldwide in the International Trade Library section.
If you intend to redisseminate files from this product electronically, please contact us.
Economics & Statistics Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce