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He's too fast.
I didn't think it was going to be so one-sided.
Damn. I should've put some money down.
Damn. Is he just probing to see if he can go ahead and finish him off?
Never thought I'd come to think that 35 was old. But he's looking old.
OK, I realize there are plenty of arenas where quickness may not be a good thing :)
Fuck y'all who think size matters :)
is wondering if @MCHammer is live-twittering the fight from ringside.
Labas pasok. No, not a phrase from A Clockwork Orange translated into Tagalog.
Damn, Pacquiao is quick.
is going to watch the Pacquiao-De La Hoya fight with his dad on PPV.
OTOH, I don't understand why iTunes can't find them because they're really there on the hard drive.
Bah. I finally understand how some of my songs got play counts > 500 in iTunes. iTunes would increment the count even if it couldn't ......
I didn't realize my music library had grown to 100.44 GB. Probably because I also didn't realize I'd been ripping to Apple Lossless.
New Prince of Persia + Sigur Rós "Sæglópur" = very eye-and-ear catching.
Just saw the Windows Mojave commercial for the first time. (Clearly, I do not watch enough TV.) Man, is the Vista brand really that damaged?
Just put a tin can to your ear and lean against a Pac Man machine. — Stephen Colbert describing Kanye West's music
@avflox in terms of violence level, translation is to deconstruction what a police full-body cavity search is to an autopsy.
Flash?!?! Noooooooo!!!!!!!
PeopleBrowsr balks on Camino. Grrr.


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