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iPhone, I guess
watching an iphone ad on tv wihle looking up a location to pick up my imminent iphone. zomg assimilationed.
i'm bad at watching "what not to wear"; i empathize & am attracted to the girls who resist clinton and kelly's wiles
recovering; exhausted
Stefan would have loued this freezepop show.
Considering drinking one of these before the show:
@FurtiveSpy there are very vague vague vague on MLS Rumors, which is a site that crashes any browser you point it to, but yeah
protip: long-lived code branches are The Devil
@labmouse But he lives in Montreal, so sooner or later you're bound to bump into him.
Possible #Revs news: Parkhurst gone, Twellman going?, Revs being moved to Hartford??? GAH THE SKY IT IS THE FALLING
"Or as your people say, kthx."
tonight: robots explode?!
I only discovered Owen Pallet recently, but you will all love it:
looking forward to an imminent freezepop show at the middle east (club).
Our office is hooked on Wii Virtual Console now. Woo!
did neighbors just bang on the walls? now I don't know if I can play music like i wanted... hm.
@renacolata Watch pilot + maybe another ep, and you'll know if you dig the cast/relationships/western-aspects/cleverness/humor. Try it!
rewatching the firefly pilot episode; it's the right thing to do.


David Kowarsky Stefan Hayden Steve Huff Char Twitter Dan Croak Wii Barack Obama Rails Dirk Gently Max Newell Josh Nichols Mike Breen Tw_Groups Clinton R. Nixon actblue TIAS railsrumble cupcakeheart! dissolvegirl eben hashtags Andy K metagnat thinkdina dmolnar robertbohl SugarLoot Dave Cleaver TheBrand danielsolis kartikv Angela tonyfuge Harvard Square Now! Davis Square Now!