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is done on the treadmill, now plugging in all the area heaters as the furnace tries to keep pace. -43C with the wind this morning.
giggled out loud for 10 mins while leafing through this book last night.
make that Ugh-os. Blech.
Eggos for dinner.
Lovely covers on these Penguin books. Design by Coralie Bickford-Smith.
is without kids, without spouse, alone at a camera store. Danger!
is getting his no-kids, no-spouse solo evening started. Right after a quick sushi dinner.
@mellenger awesome. leave it up, i'm gonna bust it out tonight.
is designing this year's gift to clients. it'll be as close as we get to being Foodies.
is watching Tom Cruise on Leno. To quote Ari Gold, " are spinning right off this planet! I love it!"
is looking at the calendar. 3 weeks til 2009. Wow.
is listening to Amos Lee.
only had the headphones plugged in halfway. The sound card is not, in fact, dying. Dumbass.
's last song mention of the morning. Number 3: "Chicken Payback" by The Bees. Hula-hoop anyone?
's second track of the morning "Cheated Hearts" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Yeah! Ok now work.
went for my first midweek run in months this morning. Must increase the frequency. I predict a 3pm nap.
's first track of the day: "Electric Avenue" by Eddie Grant.
is trying to fool Snaptell. Think Delicious Library for the iPhone. Too much fun!
is watching the La-la-la-Lakers, thinking about GDC stuff.


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