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@purlisse pls send me bio + your answers to monica(at)sistersinbiz (dot) com
@purlisse Hi there! checked out your site. Can I *BLOG* about it for my site?
@paulocoelho My fave book: The Alchemist (135 million sold). The message? "No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams"
If you're feeling broke, it's time to stop and think about what it is that you can *give*. Everyone can offer something. What can you give?
@NathanKam @hawaii THX! Saltimbanco sounded *wonderful*. we went on a kick and watched all the Cirque du Soleil videos a few years ago. Wow!
@KCRF good god, the ex- thing..the more transparency you have on the World Wide Interwebs, the more people can find u... some good, some not
Vote on November 4 and pick up a (free) tall coffee at your friendly local Starbucks. That is all.
Powerful global conversation has begun/people R discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge w/ blinding speed - cluetrain
@alohaarleen Please do write a review of my book -- my main goal is to share info w/others. Let me know any way I can promote your work too!
Dear Paulson, could you please explain how $250billion is an investment not an expenditure when we don't have it in the first place? kthxbye
was it true @neilabercrombie that #obama was coming to #pch08 ?? how twitterific if this was true.
social media haiku @hubspot: hey, what did you tweet? | I enjoy reading your posts | let's all connect up / it's 5 - 7 -5 right?
MySlideShare powerpoint: Women and Blogging for Business for 2008-10-25 Podcamphawaii #pch08 comments, questions?
I'm using the 10-20-30 rule for powerpoints by @guykawasaki for my presentation @podcamphawaii and will post later this week. It's hands-on!
@AlohaArleen definitely want more women to start using their web tools: collaboration, sharing, connection are all in our natural skillset
@shane Thanks for connecting, I'm soliciting feedback to do a solid presentation for women in business using web tools for PodCamp HI #pch08
#2009goals this upcoming year I plan to associate w/more women in business and I need your intros: smart, savvy, enthusiastic only pleasethx
where is my old buddy Joe? I want an old buddy Joe, too.
Blogging 'bout ending poverty: http://www.asuccessfulwoman...
@KCRF FB has been my friend ever since more people signed up on it.... but I think the rest of our HS class joined this past month


Keith Kamisugi Tara missrogue Hunt Colin Devroe Dina  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Burt Lum CNN Breaking News Social Media Club Raines Cohen Barack Obama Easton Ellsworth Todd Cochrane Roxanne Darling V.Brown Mad Marv Paulo Coelho Prolific Programmer David Krug Jeremy Shane Robinson Joe Trippi Cianna Stewart chrisyeh chuckdafonk L.P. NEENZ FALEAFINE Christine Lu JPhilipson Guy Kawasaki Bruce Fisher kauaianken Erica Ross-Krieger CyndiMasters mezamashii Neil Abercrombie Jerrilynn B. Thomas