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wow, and another text failure. having a rough night. need to use "d" next time sigh
Reconfiguring our home network wifi bridge file server blah blah boring blah. QA'ing w ancient Camper songs is making me nostalgic.
unable to access my account bc it wants my zip code which I've only changed like two dozen times since registration 9 years ago
So I gave up WoW only to discover I suck at Club Penguin and can't earn enough gold to buy a puffle for my niece. Boy do I hate the future.
Pathetic grownup alret: swinging in the park with my nieces, forgot how to start my swing up. Had to get someone push me.
As the country worries about the vote, I panic about not knowing how to build a radio from found objects. Who's worried about the future?
so I'm trying to get my online life in order again. if anyone remember my id (i.e., email address) can you text me? thx!
oh wow, there are dozens of @heidi msgs I haven't seen thanks to my aforementioned six months of internet boycotting. uh, oops? and sorry?
surfing the web for the first time in sixth months (srsly). shocked by how nothing much has changed. in ten years. wtb new platform
Every time I drive a car, I miss the bus. Where is myteleporting future! Can't all you tech types get on that instead of web aps? kkthxbai
Apparently I am going to get a lot of reading done taking the 38 everywhere. As long as I don't fall asleep from @liz's bday margaritas
When your culinary skills peak at "toast" it's crucial to really rock that. Settling down to read the heck out of the 46-page toaster ov ......
zipcar rocks my world
Who knew there was a small soot-encased ledge up inside the fireplace. The cat knew, that's who. Now she is being introduced to the bathtub.
the richmond makes me feel like a dashel hammet (sp?) character, only without the heroin and murder
Someone playing Ode to Joy on a recorder nearby. Strangely pleasant echo in the empty, but increasingly clean, new apartment.
When did I become bad at moving?
O! 32+Geary you be good to me now hear, cuz I am a little freaked out by renting you, you vixen of big bright space you.
Best bday present ever: mom had m&m's printed WITH MY FACE!!!!
for someone who rarely leaves the house, I go through an inordinate amount of socks


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Nick Douglas Brian Oberkirch Liz Dunn evany jill Jason Hoffman Brett B Kevin Cheng MJ Leslie Chicoine Laurie Alex Payne Lee J Parry George Grinsted Ernie Hsiung Status Updates Martina Schell scamper Britt Selvitelle Jonathan Grubb Joshua Green Allen Agent Smith Eater Marilyn Mr. Faultline Michael Calore cynthia johanson melanie westlake Rich Garcia daniel woods Luke Watson Rodrigo Lopez Tom Pollock Matthew Lock