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And by all the cool kids in my last tweet I mean @ryanwi and @benpotter and anyone I missed of course!
At #corvalbeerandblog w/ @conflux @designiscrafty @barnerd @jkistner @ramereth and all the cool kids!
Looking at typography this evening. Deciding if I'm serif or sans-serif at heart. An don't even get me started on ligatures.
@seanobrien I really like the tabbed interface in PhotoShop CS4. Makes working multiple files so much easier.
@jessgerak Some sort of compulsive personality disorder that makes me delete/neglect my websites after a short time. Keep me to it, OK?
Going to use Corvallis Beer and Blog as an excuse to launch a new blog/personal site. Bringing along the MacBook and live designing/coding!
Whoa; I've been Facebook status updating too much. Prefixing my tweets with "is" now! Sheesh.
Is missing Portland more and more.
Just finished repurposing my Nokia tablet as FRIDGE MISSION CONTROL 3000! ..or just an internet tablet with a magnetic case on the fridge.
Go beavs!
@jherskowitz Oh, what I'd do for some Shiner Bock right now. Can't seem to find any around Corvallis anymore.
It's early in the morning...but I don't smoke cigarettes and won't get any coffee until 8 or 9. ♫
Pondering what to eat for lunch. I tried and it said burrito.
Screw you, Josh Groban.
Hey, lemme know if you wanna move the biz to my servers temporarily or anything. I was just thinking about seeing Tropic Thunder. Bad idea?
Just got back from watching that nail biter OSU game with @ramereth. Go Beavs! Glad we got that 3rd down and then didn't screw up that :04.
My Gmail account finally got the new themes. Not amazing, but I am liking and currently using the Ninja theme.
OH: "Have you heard from @kveton in awhile?" "No, think he's busy with his bacontastic life. Eating, making, and talking about bacon."
I'm getting back into getting back into geting back into you.
Everyone in our family had naps this afternoon. Refreshing.


Jason Goldman Lane Dan Cederholm Sutter Scott Kveton Becky Lee Jason Herskowitz Dean Cameron Allen Josh Pyles Eric A. Meyer WordPress David Recordon Dave Shea Justin Gallardo Alan Calvert Dave Troy Barack Obama Paul Bausch Jason Kottke Opera Software Ryan Williams Ben The Oregonian Sean Luke Jason Prothero Gabriel Aldamiz... Justin Kistner Benjamin Potter Meagan Fisher Foamee Ryan Snyder Jason Spears mosho Mara Collins