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shutting down work stuff so i can go celebrate ALEXANDRA'S BIRTHDAY. HUGS ZAZA :)
@shortyawards I nominate @almacy for a Shorty Award in #politics because the man knows his stuff
just finished cleaning up "lake cranberry juice." even had the pleasure of moving the fridge to get the red rivers that sprouted.
following @themediaisdying - great stuff for us PR types
note to self: dont wait until page 6 of a paper to GET TO THE POINT
trying to get through a 20 page whitepaper; it shouldn't be hard but man it's tough today
@ReckenRoll HATE THAT. and the IM trifecta and i really go ape.
morning fog outside and in my head. hopefully it burns off soon.
@kent_h no shame needed. opportunity costs and all.
wish my ugs weren't so, well, ugly. don't want to trade them for work-appropriate shoes.
from my eight year old: "so charlie brown is kind of a whiner, isn't he?"
headed outside to clear the yard of dead plants. maybe i'll put up the lights if i feel inspired. maybe.
karma x 15
must retire from coffee drinking. doctor's orders. but this will have to be a slow transition.
@pdxmama added to the basket :) THANKS
@pdxmama New Seasons too! LOVE LOVE. Must shop online because i spend too much time with the knickknacks there.
thank god for online grocery the kids will eat
trying to wish away feeling sick. Power of positive thinking and all. I suck at it.
long day, my brain hurts.


Nick Douglas Jason Calacanis Molly E. Holzschlag i heart quotes Robert Scoble Karen Anderson Busy Mom Starbucks Coffee Anil Dash Portland Weather Sarah Austin Michael Gartenberg Steve Rubel The New York Times Steven Levy Long Zheng Rafe Needleman Michael Arrington Harry McCracken CNET Charlene Li dwight silverman Matthew Holt Lance Ulanoff John Markoff David Berlind dan farber Richard Eckel Tim O'Reilly Peter Shankman pete wootton Phil Holden PDX Pipeline The Oregonian Kevin Dugan
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