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@monkchips hear hear! Functionality over frills every time!
RT @thestage: Spooks has been recommissioned for season 8.
@Pistachio Macs? Try an Asus netbook pc - the 10inch one running Ubuntu should do wonderfully
@owenblacker Scorched Earth policy, hold onto their jobs for 18 motnhs, get Mortgage Relief for two years, and try to sneak a win in 2014/5?
@adamamyl True, but if Sgt At Arms did sign an S101 and provide them a signed letter of authority, that's going to be very persuasive
@dungeekin The Speaker, by design, cannot be forced out by official means, although a motion of No Confidence could force his hand
...Sgt At Arms signed regualr police form 101, in other words she was fully informed of right to not provide consent. This is super ugly
Met Asst. Commisioner says "we DID tell Sgt At Arms she could refuse consent." So either (a) Met is lying, or (b) Speaker lied to Commons
Ooohhh. LocoRoco2 and Super Stardust Portable have arrived in the post for the PSP (expect them on The PSP Show shortly )
Parliament has Gordon Browd tounge tied as he parries questions regarding 'do you think a warrantless search of HoC was correct?'
@seaneeboy @imajes yes I was there from the start, I was thining about showing it to mass public, n ot jsut net heads!
@iaindale Have to say the son of a manse / Moses / Promised land came over well.
@chrisgreen But you could fix your own Skoda with gaffa tape, python, rss, perl and a spanner
RT @thedailydust: Latest News : Graham Norton Denies Eurovision Commentary Job: Irish star expects Terry..
@ZaphodCamden Is that an I'm going anyway, or a subtle announcement?
...and now onto the Loyal Addresses. What a shame after the venom BBC News has turned off and misses the funnier side of HoC.
@deanwhitbread It's only fair, the police did their best to kick em back last week. I wonder what the Met will do now? It's in their court!
@adebradley Speaker appears to be trying to nail the issue on a badly run Metropolitan police and the Sergeant-At-Arms decisions.
@dungeekin Speaker is punting debate into long grass, hoping it burns out? @adebradley he's deflected well, not handled it well IMO
The Speaker says it is his responsibility, but that he has tweaked the protocol. I didn't hear the buck stopping with Michael Martin.


Biz Stone Derrick Matt Galligan Brian Walsh seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Darla Mack Scott Beale Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sutha Kamal Cristiano Betta Mike Rowehl Jyri Engeström Prashant Agarwal Paul Beelen Chris Brogan julien Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer Heidi Miller Elisa Camahort Doug Haslam Simon Perry Pat Philip Campbell Ian Forrester Chris V Natalie Shawn Connally Yoz Tom Coates
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