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post-intrepid upgrade, my laptop no longer knows how to wake from suspend. NOT OKAY, Ubuntu. >:(
@flooey haha, i do that too. except mine goes from "plenty of time" to "oh crap, i'm late!". root cause of my promptness issues.
i have this stuck in my head (mp3 link): so childish but it makes me laugh :D
have now fixed the bugs introduced by refactoring in an attempt to fix the pre-existing bugs. i am going home. (the original bugs remain.)
i now know all about Roth IRAs. woot?
just had to make an order on the phone because the online store was broken. woah. flashback to the 90s!
totally woke up on time to get to work for 9am, and then made myself late with internet + hating rain. fail. >:(
@frugalbinx oddly enough, @squishyent did that with his old pc laptop (put a mac sticker on it). not really to fool anyone though :)
okay, just went from impressed with Songbird to STUNNED. #4 and #5 here: tried it on & it's sweet!
@chrisamaphone i know, weird right? though actually i don't hate rhythmbox, except that it is ugly.
@demarko no, it's an actual 1.0 release now... i heard the beta was v. buggy but this one is much better. hasn't crashed on me anyhow.
playing with Songbird. so far i am VERY impressed.
upgrading to intrepid, belatedly.
this is crazy cool. (via Rudy Rucker's blog.)
i do not want to do work, i want to make brownies. :(
Omg snow!! XD
just got this at work: http://renaissancelibrary.c... . Butler Library is February. tres geeky! :D
well, Inbox Zero it ain't, but it's down to one page again. whew!
@psyfe :( out here they usually say "police investigation", but in London i was startled to hear "due to a person under a train...".
@sockington HARLEM SOCKS ARMY REPORTING FOR DUTY, we are not late we are cats and therefore RIGHT ON TIME. :D