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turning off computers, such sweet salvation
@alexiskold hold out for the second half of season becomes surprisingly enthralling - Chilly morning, remedied
@andrewparker ya, it's great. cafe grumpy is both the best espresso bar and best coffee shop in nyc. cuppings on the weekends are awesome
half a press of delicious barefoot oakland mix waiting for a drinker in the twoffice kitchen
love @robey's new avatar. i have put many hats on such a head.
@nkallen did you buy the gold plated one?
surprised this is the first time i've seen an animated avatar on twitter:
shocked i just spelled both spaghetti and yirgacheffe correctly on the first try
i can see what epicenter was saying about there being some spaghetti and meatballs in the aftertaste of this yirgacheffe
@lookatall hi freddy! welcome to twitter
attempting to understand mysql UNION code
three hours on tarmac, halfway through de-icing, just got netshare back up and running. looks like it still works with 2.2 iphone software.
My nethew Wilson is awsome
I hate my nethew jack
@cd5172 you are missing the underscores in THE_REAL_SHAQ And hammer is actually MCHammer
going to see quantum of solace with my nephew tonight


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Alissa Steve Jenson Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman veen Chris Sacca caroline Dave McClure Scott Beale bryan mason Oren Michels JohnBorthwick Scott Hussein Rafer Andrew Parker Nelson Minar Eddie Codel Alex Payne Greg Veen Ryan Carver Britt Selvitelle meangrape Evan Twitter Dave Troy John Adams Pete Cashmore Fred Wilson Andrew Weissman Alex Iskold bijan sabet