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Headline: "Obama: Economy to Get Worse Before It Improves" Then he introduced his new catchphrase, "Yes We Can Eat Ramen."
Headline: "'Death to Bourbons' Cry Raises Uproar In Spain" Makers Mark, Old Crow, & Knob Creek sneak out of Spain under cover of darkness.
Headline: "Rich Men Cut Gifts to Mistresses During Recession" But sharing your love is in itself a gift, no? Oops, wife kicking me to dea-
Headline: "Army Asked to Review 2 Troop Deaths" The Army wipes it's brow in relief, and says, "Only two?"
Headline: "U.S. Wants ‘No Surprises’ in North Korea Verification" But they remain "Optimistic" that N. Korea won't be "A Wolf at the Door."...
Headline: "The Bratz Gang Gets Revenge on Barbie" Related: Skipper enters convent.
Headline: "The Bratz gang Gets Revenge on Barbie" So ended Larry Flynt's guest publisher stint at 'Highlights' magazine.
Headline: "The Bratz Gang Gets Revenge on Barbie" THAT'S why Ken came home covered in sparkles, smelling like "Apple Fantasy" body spray.
Headline: "Archaeologists Find World’s Oldest Pot Stash" Soon to be a major motion picture: "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dube."
Headline: "Sunny von Bulow Dead After 28 Years in Coma" Poor Sunny. She was the "Chinese Democracy" of homicide victims.
Headline: "Sci-fi's No. 1 Fanboy, Forrest J Ackerman, Dies" Services will be held in his mom's basement. Cheetos and Mountain Dew to follow.
Headline: "Amsterdam to Close Many Brothels, Marijuana Cafes" Along those same lines, the country will now be known as "Amsterdarn."
Headline: "Did Coldplay rip off Joe Satriani?" Is it possible to root against both sides?
Headline: "Obama Political Mentor Interested in Senate Seat" Or, as the headline read on Craigslist: "OPM4SS."
Headline: "OJ Simpson Sentenced to Lengthy Prison Term" Will write new book, "If I Did It, But Then Did Something Else and Got Caught."
The P-Friday WINNAH is @divine_pk with, "Upon hearing this news, John Hodgman so excited he drops the ipod right out of his hands" Congrats!
PUNCHLINE FRIDAY HEADLINE: "Obama Claims to be Mac, but Spotted With Zune" Hit me with a punchline by 6pm PST! AWESOME PRIZES! DO IT!
Headline: "Man Assaulted Woman With Cheeseburger" The judge said he can has jail time, so he can has time to consider what he can has done.
Headline: "Magician Faces Charges in Secretly Taping Mom, Daughters" So it turns out that it was not, in fact, a magic wand in his pocket.
Headline: "Wheelchair Thief Stilll at Large in LA" The suspect is considered armed and not legged and dangerous.


Evan Williams Dom Sagolla sara veen Jason Shellen rae brune Maggie Mason Lori Chris Sacca Grant Shellen Scott Beale Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason lane Derek Powazek judith george Stirman Brian Sacca Jennifer Woodard M srah Andre Torrez Mark Bao Janice Mickipedia Ryan King Steve Rhodes Peter Bartlett Greg Veen Ryan Carver Jonathan Grubb kestrin pantera: KP2 Mia Jenna Hutchison Jimmy
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