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I can't decide which adjective suits this product better.
Sure enough, the first goat went into labor 2 hours after I leave for home. How will I ever learn about the birds and bees at this rate?
Finished 55 mile ride in 44 degree weather. Thank you, Assos... (cycling wear)
Raking goat poop
@sara and you were texting this while driving??
Google transit integration in iPhone 2.2 is well-done and handy. Nextmuni predictions would push it over the top - given muni's punctuality
Bike to Caltrain to Mt View to meet @patrik @davidm @michae1 @Brita et al. Doing the no-car thing since, well, I don't have a car.
Amazed how light my Ti road bike feels - after riding all summer on a 75 lb monstrosity. Yes, really, 75 lbs with luggage.
@joeracer Not sure what's next. May take a 6-month assignment in Shanghai with the fruity computer company.
Reassembling bike at SFO. 131 days since I've been in the US...
London, Regent Street Apple Store; checking out the new portables. Staff offered to answer any questions I had about the new design :)
Airport, Lyon, France. Having a US passport elicits friendliness today :)
Up at 4 AM to watch results via the intertubes. Now too excited to go back to sleep. Flying to London today.
Just booked flight back to CA. Landing Sunday... Round trip tix are 1/2 price of 1-way, so I'm booked to return to London Dec 9 :)
Back in France, staying with friends near Lyon. Beautiful train trip across Switzerland. On the road 4 months as of yesterday!
'Burn after reading' in Vienna cinema. Assigned seats; price varies with the row.
Show at the Vienna "Spanische Hofreitschule" -450 year old equestrian school. Pretty amazing dressage demonstrations.
I guess I haven't had really good schnitzel yet... But it just seems like a giant McNugget to me.
Better beer and german food than I dreamed possible, at Munich's Hofbrauhaus last night. Now in Vienna, no clue what to do here...


Evan Williams sara Lori Shara John Gruber Jenny Oh Remember The Milk Brita Zoellner patrik DavidM Joe Nuxoll cocojoy robsails TheMacalope yinner