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wonders how he can become one of the gazillion freelancers who write the short pieces for the NYT magazine year in ideas issue
@michellekc maybe you DREAMED you had mono.
gotta figure out how i'm getting to the chorus concert today. blah.
@jeisman so very, very jealous. have an amazing time!
I heart amy poehler
the twitter-facebook link was down earlier. is it back now?
@sgtpeppered i signed up for crazy blind date! i went on one date, it was unremarkable. but i imagine it might be better for the heteros
Looking at a beautiful, huge, almost full moon from the ft totten metro platform
thinks he got flirted with at the harris teeter, and is thinking of posting a "missed connection."
This vet's office is full of attractive clients, both human and nonhuman
stealing cookies from holiday party of some other company division where you don't know anyone = awesome.
@davehuge sometimes i feel like your tweets are too cool for me.
coworkers have discussed possibility of going to freddie's beach bar for our holiday lunch, which would be freakin' hilarious
staff meeting at work today. only the second in the almost-a-year i've been here.
covered in cat hair after having an hour of quality roberta time. gonna need one of those tape roller thingies. hm.
mmmm, trader joes powdered sugar-covered german spice cookie thing
what's up with PR people who don't record an outgoing voicemail greeting? isn't that not a very good way of, y'know, publicly relating?
the crystal city underground does in fact come in handy on days such as this.
@richmintz i'm ok with eatery. can we refer to this website as the tweetery?
i'll say it again: i strongly dislike the word "webinar"


ilona Clay Johnson Matt Kingston Barack Obama Mike Benedetto Erie Ben Brandzel TK Baltimore Kate Scarborough nerdette aposematic Rich Mintz jeisman erickohn The Fix sethdmichaels kobenhavn Erik Moga bronwen22 Dave Hughes james_nathaniel michelle campbell jessewald Chhaya Kapadia gingervision sgtpeppered Josh Barro ehr4201 Nealon JoeMyGod sjcaustenite notmygal E. Shetler Joey Stern jonathandruy embron