mai’s Favorites

houze "are they from brooklyn or Portland? Cause that's the music I'm listening to now. "
Stacy Jenson, dammit
stacy learned: Shari Lewis would order lamb chops (rare) just to horrify the waiter.
Lulu Re: friend who says talking to AnalSexMaster isn't so bad: "Maybe I'm taking dating advice from the wrong person"
Lulu On the subject of truffled sweet potatoes, @mai says: "I don't know if it's a party or a fight."
Maggie Mason
Maggie Hello, Orbitz! You are a clusterf&$;k disaster nightmare. Good day to you. I said good day!
Erika Hall
mulegirl U.S. doctors have found the disco anthem "Stayin' Alive" provides an ideal beat to follow while performing CPR on a heart attack victim.
bettydraper I'm an orphan.
Tom Dawkins
tomjd I would so love to see McCain do the robot. It's totally his dance move. #debate08
meowrey I saw a man on the subway today wearing a bow tie, and it filled me with a mixture of pity, scorn, and *an intense longing for popcorn*.
alicetiara Andre Leon Talley, recessionista: "Wear something old that you love until Election Day.Then, vote for Barack Obama, who'll fix the economy."
Grant Shellen
gshellen There's a little girl at this wedding who looks just like Dora the Explorer. Do I ask for a picture with her?
Chris Wetherell
cw It took a minute or two for me to realize during my conversation with a stranger that we were both naked.
Aubrey Sabala
Aubs Everyone has a breaking point, but it's a misnomer; when you get to it, you're not broken. You're DONE.
Buzz Andersen
buzz Thinking that the girl who did her ITP project on the "male gaze" may have skewed her results by mounting cameras on her nipples.
monstro "You didn't photograph that?" "I know. I failed you." "You didn't fail me - you failed Flickr!"


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Livia Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Stacy Jenson, dammit Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case Chris Baum Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Ozlem Lane Grant Shellen Kevin Fox dan lowrie Erika Hall Aubrey Sabala David Lu Shara Cameron Walters lane Sarah Hatter george Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller Jessica N. Alicia