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The Verdier is to the Airstream... what a Chinese dragon kite is to the Alaska Pipeline.
RT @kevinmarks: Best advcie ever on how to deal with trolls: (And I so rarely retweet! watch the video)
@mingyeow Oh he knows ;) Boxee is my favorite new software this year, though they need to fix the back-arrow keyboard control...
The Tivo keeps crashing. As if I needed an excuse to scrap it and the DirectTV it rode in on and replace it with a MacMini and Boxee.
Watching 'Rendition', a haunting and infuriating movie about U.S. torture policy. Makes me want to waterboard the folks behind the cruelty.
Damn you Twitter and your SMS snafus
@ewiesen Well there's that. Also, could be nice to use flying time as a networking opportunity. Who knows what deals/affairs might hatch...
I wish I could see anonymized details of the person I'll be sitting next to when I pre-select my seat on an airplane. Someday.
@amylola is transfixed by a documentary about "stone babies," stillborn fetuses stuck in their mothers' uteruses for years before discovery
What a morning. Tesla went bump, bump, bump all the way down the stairs. Extreme sports, baby style. (She's okay, bruises & scratches aside)
@beccafrog My heart goes out to you. Call on us for anything.
@teddyg actually thought that Ted, the airline, was run by the TED Conference. (Tickets would be by invite only, I suppose)
Debating the cleanliness of airplane pillows.
Just learned that Zappos, in addition to a CEO and CFO, also has a Mayor.
At SFO, with @amylola and @teddyg, ordering $9 breakfast sandwiches. Next stop: Vegas.
A sign of the apocalypse? Street cleaning reduced to every other week (and parking violation revenue cut in half!) in Noe Valley
Sunday worksession with @amylola & @monstro, with Quinn playing his Star Wars video game in the background. Norman Rockwell be damned.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams sara Marc Hedlund Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Lars Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai ario Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Chris Baum rae brune Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Peter Berg Chris Jones Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Rod Begbie Matt Jones Michael Ferguson derek dukes Nitin tedr Narendra Julie Dave McClure Nick Douglas
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