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Volunteering in the Project Homeless Connect Cafe today... Looks like there are a buncha ppl from LiveJournal here too!
Anyone want an Akoha deck? I have an extra one. D me if interested.
Shucking oysters and drinking Cava straight outta the bottle with R in Tomales Bay for our 3rd anniversary. High class.
Bike commute day 1: already experienced car drivers that hate bike riders. That's okay, I'm not paying for gas or causing pollution. Nyah.
@buzz as Ludacris so eloquently put: you've got code, you've got code... in different area codes!
Enjoying @Metagrrrl'a excellent cocktailian skills. And especially impressed that my phone autocorrects the word "Metagrrrl" now :)
Oh hey, I think I'm looking over @u_m's shoulder right now
Amazing, Wii consoles were in stock on Amazon as of early this morning, and they're still in stock! Grab one now if you want one!
AMEN. RT @buzz: Very much agree with @seanbonner's critique of Qwitter ( Read that, then see this:
@dutchashell @accomplice Yay, Sackboy! You guys set up online yet? We should play co-op.
I never thought that looking at a map would make me feel misty-eyed. Just look at all that blue!
ABC, CNN, NBC, PBS, BBC, and most importantly, The Daily Show call it! Drink!
I support Obama, but I don't support vandalism. Pulled an Obama sticker off of a bus seat and put it on my laptop. Win-win :)
Just rode from SOMA to North Beach and back in a SF City gov. golf cart. In the rain. And I'm still alive.
Finally got LittleBigPlanet, after the release delays. R just got Fallout 3. There will not be blood in this custody fight for the PS3.
Enjoyed my first Old Fashioned in weeks in honor of the Mad Men finale. Hmm... now what can I drink with Heroes?
@spangley did I just see you get off the 22? Crazy people on board today.
I would like "" to be automatically appended to every search I ever enter into Google. HOW IS BABBY FORMED?!
Watching LOST s3 DVD extras and missing both living in HI and working in production. Which I didn't do simultaneously, but it'd be nice!


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