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Just landed in Feenicks. That's the phoenetix spelling, cuz I'm Hooked on Phoenix. Glad we didn't crash, being reborn from ashes sux.
It speaks volumes on capitalism that it has taken one of the crowning achievements of human engineering and created commercial air transit.
As unpleasant as they make air travel for passengers, I truly can't see how these companies ever make any money at all.
I'm assuming that David Lee Roth's "California Girls" video is an accurate depiction of what my trip to California will be like.
Best moment of the debate? Random bystander behind commentator during post-show analysis holds up "Tina Fey '08" sign.
Taking back my previous statement: I no longer want Sarah Palin dressed as my 4th grade teacher. However if Tina Fey is available
Piratefest is cool (turns out I have a thing for wenches saying "Arrr!") but I am unclear on the connection between pirates and fried oreos.
Half my team seems to have taken the day off for Talk Like A Pirate Day. Me, I'm waiting for Global Orgasm Day and Pi Approximation Day.
I'm going to pretend I didn't just see a Sears commercial hyping LL Cool J's new line of children's clothing. Could you all just play along?
Few foods have the capacity to make people as happy as bacon. There would be no conflict in the Middle East but for their aversion to pork.
I hate Brian Eno for making me like Coldplay.
They had Hookers'N'Blow at the RNC, but apparently its just a side project of GNR's keyboardist Dizzy Reed.
Trying to determine if I should be offended when a friend refers to going to 80's night as "getting his geezer on."
Already threw the box away but I'm sure this cold medicine is fine to mix with alcohol. I'll just have a couple test drinks before I go out.
@mike_austin Uh, you're coming to my house dressed as Mrs. Albright? Dude, you have too much free time. Have you considered a full-time job?
Dear Miss Palin: I'll vote Republican if you'll come over in a sexy schoolmarm outfit and pretend to be my 4th grade teacher. But stricter.
Didn't understand McCain's VP choice until I saw her on The Daily Show, but now I get it. She's kinda hot. Hope I can do as well at his age.
Very disappointed in Google. Why don't they translate Latin? Do they have something against dead languages? What about Linear B, or PL/1?
Things to avoid with a fever: going to work, playing softball, changing wife's tire in the rain, drinking seven shots of espresso at 9:30pm.
Okay, everybody had a crappy day here at work today, but it really kind of sounds like next week (and next month) might be survivable.