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For the unaware i was ON hardball last night. @Aubs, im gunning for your world of glitteratti!
Oh nfl how i missed you. Im as overstimulated as my niece at gymboree. and st. Louis has like ONE sportsbar with sun ticket. Isnt this c ...
Michami dukadam!
Um. Oh. F$#k. We may have a big problem. Lady is stupid but charismatic. That tends to win. Help us HRC, you might be our only hope.
Biden nominated: awesome. Going to Springfield for the announcement: priceless. Dream ticket, attack!
I'm at the whitest event I have ever seen. And this despite my table being sixty percent minority. I'm getting formal dining instruction.
Moving is like a buddhist object lesson. Goodbye san fran. But we shall meet again.
Do not trust the Midas touch. Four hours for about an hour of actual labor. Please never go to the one in daly city.
Ah, family time... I'm told I'll appreciate this more later. For now, it's just a big ball of chaos and tension!
Umm... See Dark Knight now. Next showing. Go.
There's a flaw here: Meditation and writing make me happier than almost anything else. So why don't I do them more?
@Aubs: Best thing to do in Chinatown is go to the Imperial Tea House on Powell Street. It's absurdly good and formal. Family type win.
Standard operating procedure
Dear god i had a crazy day. At the deyoung. Models musicians madness. The haight fair has nothing on my day.
Your name is robert paulson. Tyler.
Feet are finally working again. Tri-training starts again tomorrow. Liver damage done for a while.
If you see booboo, kick his ass. He owes me a picnic basket.
Hows the smell of napalm this morning?
Note to self: dont ever watch a fun silly movie like indiana jones w 500 engineers. I think they want a realistic film about archeologis ...
Apparently I have Cuboid Syndrome. So, at least not running, walking, or standing has the benefit of an awesome name.


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