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Twitter needs groups. Impossible to check periodically and see people I know versus all-those-other-interesting-people.
Printing out papers to review for ICDCS 2009 (http://www.cse.ohio-state.e...)
Time to human on BCBS customer service line, <1m. Competent, even.
ACM Queue magazine's web interface: basically completely obnoxious.
OfflineIMAP vs MS Exchange IMAP -- too bad when it kills Exchange, it can't get mail any more. (viz
MIT's OS class is using git to allow students to do VC and incrementally update their working dirs with code for each new lab. Cool.
Wish mutt's IMAP support were better. Surprised no one's addressed my 7 y.o. ticket:
Passed 1500 views on my Flickr photostream today with election pix.
Starting to set up a non-MIT.EDU (and non-GMail) e-mail solution for the fam.
9:11am, Ward 6, Precinct 3, MA: 371 ballots cast, about 45m wait to vote.
Just discovered in-browser-crypto-performing password management services at and Fascinating and very cool.
Anyone use Func on PlanetLab?
Python ... "assert(1 > 2)" gives AssertionError, but assert(1 > 2, "oops") doesn't. Don't put parens around assert arguments. Yay
Nice: "Today, 13 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute."
Whee, RoR is now an OS, in Larry Dignan's paraphrase of VMware press release.
Whoops, there goes the PhotoShelter Collection.
@josevilla Greetings! What brings you my way on Twitter?
@dsandler No, not a student any more. graduated in June! Of course if I ever go to any ACM conferences, I'll have to be a member then
Join the ACM? What do you think?
"free* / *except in the case of something really really scary, or the possibility of it." Don't forget to read the fine print.


danah boyd neha Mr Messina WDavidStephenson Chris Brogan Doug Haslam Tantek Çelik Robert Scoble photomatt Alex Payne Dave Coustan John Gruber pixie Stephanie Booth Jeremy Zawodny Alex King Eric A. Meyer Daniel Sandler Steve Rubel hotdogsladies Dawn Foster Meg Fowler Miguel de Icaza Joshua Porter Adam Darowski Gina Trapani Wil Wheaton Tim Bray Andrew Kimpton Alex Graveley Kee Hinckley Jonathan Coulton Jon Udell Jason Pontin Dave Dribin Lisa Dilg