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Found a nice watch shop in Glenview that's much, much more reasonable ($30).
Lesson #1 why not to go to Highland Park to get new watch band: Place wanted $425 for a band for a $250 watch.
Le Roi est mort! Vive le Roi!
"[Blago's] approval rating plummeted to a shockingly low 8 percent." What i want to know is, who is that 8%?
starting a test-drive of Google Chrome...not so bad so far
@jenw Urban Meyer is gonna get rolled tide'd.
Gah! Kars 4 Kids radio ads are back. Make it stop!
Ahhhh Gary, your odor is soooo delightful
@jenw a schwans truck just passed me by
@jenw sure, sure's that betamax player working out for ya?
this is unfortunate: "James Kirk, a vice president with GameStop, said"...couldn't your parents have named you something else
God this sucks
Seriously, wtf is up with downtown Rochester?
@tripod wish mine was better :(
at home, with ear infection (which is being typed for so can't be @ ICU with robbyn's family :-(
Ok who's idea was it to make a donation in my name to planned parenthood?
Holy crap, just paid $1.99/gal for unleaded!
@whinde that's like saying john wayne gacy was a good clown with one small social faux-pas
@whinde but he kills people. Murder! Murder most foul!


lorna Michael Herf Pam Ashlund Ben Hsu PaulW Nick Bourgeois Jennifer Wilkinson Susandra sculbers eliotd cpmurphy whinde