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@johnbattelle Missed TrackMe-hoping video shows up eventually. But what are the Valley trends? Cloud and what else?
@clocklear PR Pitch on Twitter? Not that useful; I want everything in e-mail. But peer pressure from public view might be a good restraint.
Question to anyone at Web 2.0 (# 2): How much fear did you see among companies and investors, and what were they doing because of it?
Question to anyone at Web 2.0 (# 1): What, if anything, did you see that was new and exciting?
The best part of Web 2.0 was seeing a lot of folks I don't spend much time with. Of course.
Now I know what Twitter is good for: Talking to PR people. (
Best Comment on Bits: I'm going to start Tweeting for my stapler: "Three hundred pages? What am I, a binder clip? Jesus.
An idea for my friends in PR: Think about Gmail SEO for our pitches. (
The Age of Tweety Cats (
So who out there writes, or reads, tweets from a cat?
@kevinrose (fixing last Tweet) Bonds are worth less if there is a chance they may not get paid back.
@kevinrose Also, if the perceived credit quality of the issuer of the bond falls
@kevinrose Kevin: If you own a bond at a certain rate, and rates rise, the value of the bond falls.
The Lynne and the girls are off to my sister's, so I have a clear afternoon. I hope I have clear thinking.
Actualy sitting down on my front porch to write my speech on Internet and the election.
I thought the debate format worked well, and Brokaw did well: He asked interesting questions, and there was real debate.
Wow. 15 twitter responses on the effect of the net on the election. Great wisdom in 140 characters.
I have to give a speech at a university on the Internet's role in the election. What would you nominate as the biggest impact?
@cshirky Cuil is being judged on its own terms. They boasted a bigger index & better layout than Google. That's not true. Yet.
Half my iPhone problems fixed: I can find my music. But I can't run any Apps. Grrr.


Biz Stone Josh Kopelman Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd heif Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin om Nick Douglas Michael Parekh seth goldstein Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Stewart Butterfield Caterina Nick Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble photomatt jimbo wales Jeremy Zawodny Thomas Hawk Jeremy Zilar Tom Zeller Jr. Kevin Rose Joi Ito Steve Rubel Mike Hudack Pierre Omidyar Google Micah Sifry C.K. Sample III Austin Hill Steven Levy Scott Karp
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