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@punkins pederasts and 'nam vets with handguns?
gyro for dinner tonight? i think so. mmm.
just sent something. its probably nothing... but hopes its something.
@meghanlee do they ever seem out in half-force?
exporting out of final cut for vimeo. perfect chance for some halo!
fuck. my computer wants to die. i can hear it. but my musics on there. fuck.
had a dream i was buying all these badass clothes. but got to the store too late.
head wants to implode... wont let it.
so THIS is what mornings are like
11:30. had to knock kids out by hand.
house sitting tonight in south pas. 2 dogs and 2 VERY precocious kids.
@thrashr888 did you ever try vimeo?
i know who the f*** stephen colbert is!
$27.80 for the "convenience" of printing my own damn tickets. i hate you ticketmaster. why arent you dead?
colbert is pretty much on fire tonight.
catching up on top chef.
so... titus andronicus (the band, not the play. fuck shakespeare. ha.) was pretty damn badass
@Seantron uh, yes i do sean... but ill never tell!
post office then desperately need to make new to-do list. must. pull. self. away. from. interwebs. still No Age tonite!!! come on, lets go!


Xeni Jardin Paul Thrasher Ryan Block Peter Rojas zefrank punkins hodgman ♫ Brie ♫  Seantron hijaktaffairs Al Gore meghanlee